I have a quick share today for those who teach English Language Learners, whether in ESL or regular classrooms.
TESOL International Association released an issue brief just last month titled Overview of the Common Core State Standards Initiatives for ELLs. Its stated purpose is to "provide a comprehensive overview of the policies behind the CCSS and to outline some of the initiatives now in place to address the needs of English language learners (ELLs) in relation to the CCSS." If you teach ELLs, you need to read this brief. One of its most important features is a table that shows the three overarching English Language Arts/Literacy CCSS Shifts side by side with the continuum of expertise, according to Achieve the Core, that teachers will need "to ensure that ELLs with varying levels of first language literacy, background knowledge, and English language proficiency can achieve the CCSS."
Important knowledge for everyone, since ALL teachers are teachers of English Learners!
Hey, friends! I just want to remind you that there are MANY resources on the blogthat don't appear in the right-side column as "Popular Posts." Below are some of my favorites. If you want to make your science classes more effective, you NEED to read these three posts about inquiry: A Private Universe - It will change your life! A Private Universe - Second in a Series Teaching Science Through Inquiry - Last in the Series Thinking ahead to next year? Consider using Planbook as your very convenient online planning book/tool. I guarantee it will make your life easier with its pull-down lists of standards and its calendar format. White Flour - the Book and the Video is personally meaningful to me, as a southerner and the mom of a missionary. I think you'll love Booksource's Classroom Library Organizer to keep track of all those books that are so important to your students. Staying with the book theme, ReadKiddoRead is James Patterson's initiative "dedicated to making kids readers for life." You'll find videos, lists of suggested books by level and genre, suggestions for lesson plans, discussion groups, and more! I love the books I wrote about in the "Cures for the Common Core Blues" series:
Be on the lookout for more of these! Remember to use the "Labels" list to find posts related to particular ideas and subjects. Don't forget to follow the blog, and have a great weekend!